Introduction / Guy Cools, Pascal Gielen -- Situational ethics : an artistic ecology / Pascal Gielen -- The art of listening / Guy Cools -- Art and ecology : scenes from a tumultuous affair / Christel Stalpaert, Karolien Byttebier -- Imagination, experience and meaning as quality of life : the performing arts and sustainable development in Flanders / Jeroen Peeters -- On the 'Manifesto for the Active Participation of the Performing Arts Sector in the Transition towards a Fair Durability' / Benjamin Verdonck, Sébastien Hendrickx -- The eco art incubator and the ethics of belonging / Denise Kenney -- A long-duration art ensemble: Theatre of All Possiblities, research vessel Heraclitus, and Biosphere 2 : a dancer's perspective / Kathelin Gray -- Green conversations / Robert Steijn, Frans Poelstra -- Ecology, dance presenting, and social justice / Naomi M. Jackson -- Why dance? : aesthetico-political notes on Pedro Almodóvar's Talk to her / Arne De Boever -- On collaboration and navigating between dance cultures : an ethics of reconciliation / Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Lise Uytterhoeven -- Disappearing & resurfacing subjects : concerns of (a) dance artist(s) in the museum / Sara Wookey -- Ethics in dreamwork : notes from EDEN / Mala Kline -- The power of seeing : body, history, and city / Navtej Johar -- Afterword / Francesc Casadesús, Rien van der Vleuten.